Saturday 26 January 2008

A-stray-ya Day

Wow what a patriotic country we live in. Aussie's are so Aussie proud, it's infectious and uplifting. All week we've had promotions and advertisements to celebrate being Aussie. We spent most of the day hanging out at home but headed down to LaBalsa park in time for fish and chips on the beach. When we got down there it was heaving with people who had obviously been set up all day, complete with tents and portacots, BBQ's, bikes with trailers and lots of laughter. Driving the streets every third car or house seemed to be waving an Aussie flag. At 7.30 we were set up on the beach to watch the fireworks and the awe on Caitlin and Ryan's faces as they exploded. We have had a lovely day and look forward to next year when we will probably spend more of the day down there. So anyway wanting to head over the ditch this time next year, set the date in your calendar it's a fantastidc day.

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