Saturday 26 July 2008

Slackers !

How slack are we ? It's been nearly 4 months since we posted and I don't know where to start.

We've been busy but not with anything specific - just living life ! The children keep growing (must stop feeding them - that'll stop them growing out of any more clothes) and we keep finding that they can do more than we think. I'm constantly challenged by their abilities being greater than my expectations of them.

Ryan has settled well into a new pre-school - he now goes to the same one that Caitlin went to and we are all happy with it. He can now ride his bike and just keeps on going... great stamina !

Caitlin loves school and is doing very well. Her reading is advancing in leaps and bounds and she's currently reading to us in the evening - her latest books are Charlie & Lola and The Cat in the Hat, both of which she reads with minimal help.

We have a great group of friends here - some we have met through school, some through the children's swimming class. We're off out for a meal with a big group of them (all leaving the kids behind) tonight so we're really looking forward to that.

A couple of recent photos to finish, all taken in mid-June on a beautiful winter's day - we shall be better at posting ! Promise...

Friday 28 March 2008

A week in Bargara

So a few days after Claire, Rob and Emma left we headed up North with Gary's parents to Bargara. Bargara is about 3 hours north from the Sunshine Coast and is on the coastline. We chose there as at this time of year it is the wet season in the Whitsundays so not the optimal time to be heading that far north. We had also heard about the Mon Repos turtle experience which we were very keen to experience.

We had five nights / six days up there in a lovely 4 bedroom apartment over looking the beach. Although slightly windy the weather was otherwise perfect, mostly blue skies and around 29 degrees most days. Most of the week was spent truly relaxing with visits to beaches, parks and cafes, a rest time in the afternoon for both the kids and us. It is such a treat to sit down in the afternoon with a book and know there is nothing you NEED to do.

The highlight for all of us was the Mon Repos's turtle experience. Mon Repos is a conservation park / beach that is the largest nesting ground of the loggerhead turtles. It's a luck of the draw whether you manage to see the turtles either laying or hatching. We were in the first group of 50 to head out to the beach on our little expedition. We headed out with no torches and limited light from the pathway and guide to look for the action. We walked a little way along the beach until the site of a hatching was located, having kids was fantastic as we ended up sitting at the front of the circle watching the erupting turtles. It was like watching a volcano erupting except it wasn't from a mound but rather flat sand that ended up as a hole. Amazing! The hatching we viewed produced 114 live turtles (and about 12 that didn't survive). Turtles follow the light from the horizon to get to the sea (NB the limited light we could produce) so with the use of torches, the guides guided the turtles to a safe enclosure while they continued telling us about them and bringing one round for us to see close up and hold. Caitlin and Ryan were mesmerised and extremely gentle. After this we formed two lines out to sea with some volunteers to stand making a tunnel with their legs, pointing the torches so the hatching's could run out to sea. Caitlin and Gary were the beginning of the tunnel, Caitlin was amazing and ever so still. I thought she might freak out with 114 little creatures running at her and over her feet but no she was incredible and blown away by the whole experience. The whole night was even more special for the kids as they didn't get to bed until 9.30 - what a treat. During the busy season some groups don't get out to the beach until midnight, not sure they could have coped with that, so we were very lucky.

So all in all it was a lovely, relaxing and fun time away. Maybe next time we'll head up during the laying season.

Ticey Treats Come to visit

Well it's been a few weeks since I've blogged and with a rev up email from Claire T I thought I better get to it. Way back at the end of February we had the joy of a visit from Claire, Rob and Emma. Claire had being saying she wanted a hot holiday away so we did that for her with a whopping 39.9 degrees, oh my goodness it was so intense. The beginning of the day was just glorious spent down a lake Currimundi which is a wonderfully safe and not too deep water inlet that forms into a lake. So being in the water the heat didn't seem too bad, but after heading home for lunch we just couldn't move. Sent the kids for an afternoon ciesta and despite having fans it just didn't happen. When I laid down on the bed I realised why, the mattresses felt like heaters with all the heat they had absorbed. Luckily that was the only day of extreme heat. Once the temperature got above 38.5 Gary wanted to feed it some pamol!

So with the very warm day out of the way the rest of the week was back to the unusual summer that the Sunshine Coast has experienced this year. Hardly "beautiful one day perfect the next". We had a wonderful week with our visitors. Caitlin and Ryan adored Emma (as well as Claire and Rob) although Ryan did get a little grumpy with being called 'boyfriend Alex' oh the competition. Claire and I managed a chic flick and girly lunch out which was fantastic and the boys got a rugby game in with the pre-season match of Warriors vs Manly.

Haven't uploaded photos but you can check them out on

Wednesday 12 March 2008

Grandma and Grandad Ward Arrive

Well after a long wait we have got Gary's parents over for a 5 week visit. The weather hasn't been perfect but the time together has been lovely. Gary had a few days off in the first week so we were able to show them a little of the Coast, along with a lot of cafe visits. I am pleased to say that the kids bonded with Grandma and Grandad very quickly, straight in for a hug once through the departure gates, although then Ryan decided he was shy for 5 mins but thawed out in the car and then there was no stopping him!

Gary and his parents enjoying the warmth of Mooloolaba Beach.

Grandma and Caitlin enjoying time together

Ryan showing Grandad the playground

We have had a wonderful month, highlighted by a trip away (which I will blog about soon) and individual time with the Grandparents. Both kids have had a couple of nights staying at Grandma and Grandad's apartment with lots of spoiling and quality time.

Sunday 17 February 2008

A New Era

Well the new era has begin. Caitlin has been a big school girl for three weeks now. The first day was quite busy with Mum's and Dad's dropping off their kids to school for the first time, there were hardly any tears though. Caitlin has not once said I don't want to go and didn't have tears on the first day either. She was up and dressed when she came into us just before 6!

In the first three weeks she has had sports with the sports teacher once or twice a week, music with the music teacher, sung Twinkle twinkle little star in Italian, a long with all the other stuff that goes on in the classroom. Currently they are learning to spell a child's name each day with "letterland", she is hanging out to have here name done - maybe this week. She has made lots of friends and has found another level of confidence, so far she is happy speaking in front of the class (in a circle on the mat) which for Caitlin is a massive leap forward.

And this is our "big preschool boy". He was so excited heading off to preschool on the first day. Absolutely no separation anxiety, waving us good-bye from the sandpit. He was great for the first four days but the 5th and 6th days he was clingy and had a cry, but fingers crossed that is out of the way as he was fine again on Friday. The joy of different personalities is that we actually get to hear about what Ryan is doing at preschool as with Caitlin it was like getting blood from a stone sometimes. Ryan's preschool career will be based around the sandpit, most days I pick him up that is where I will find him.

We are all very happy with the settling in process. They have both changed so much and are extremely settled which always makes for a happy relaxed time.

The other thing that surprises me (more about me than the others) is that we/I am not rushing in the morning to get out the door, usually we are ready and waiting half an hour before it's time to go and I have done and hung a load of washing and sometimes even gone for my walk! The joys of the earlier mornings over here. I can see that surprised look on your face Claire H!

Saturday 26 January 2008

A-stray-ya Day

Wow what a patriotic country we live in. Aussie's are so Aussie proud, it's infectious and uplifting. All week we've had promotions and advertisements to celebrate being Aussie. We spent most of the day hanging out at home but headed down to LaBalsa park in time for fish and chips on the beach. When we got down there it was heaving with people who had obviously been set up all day, complete with tents and portacots, BBQ's, bikes with trailers and lots of laughter. Driving the streets every third car or house seemed to be waving an Aussie flag. At 7.30 we were set up on the beach to watch the fireworks and the awe on Caitlin and Ryan's faces as they exploded. We have had a lovely day and look forward to next year when we will probably spend more of the day down there. So anyway wanting to head over the ditch this time next year, set the date in your calendar it's a fantastidc day.

Friday 25 January 2008

Enjoying the kids

I'm finding the last blog a hard one to follow on from. With the combination of losing Amanda and both kids off to school and preschool next week, I am making a concerted effort to forget the mess and spend the time concentrating on the little things in life. So here a few pics of some things we have been up to.

The sprinkler fun was fantastic, both kids really enjoyed it. Jaffa enjoyed it too! Although didn't run through it, she was sitting under the edge of the spray - not sure whether she's a cat or a dog!

Yes there is water in the container, I initially got this out for them to use to do some "cooking" and making "coffee" but Ryan stripped off and got in. Not sure I'd be too keen on "drinking" the coffee anymore!

We have a big week this week with Caitlin starting school on Tuesday and Ryan starting preschool the same day (he will be going twice a week).

Before this though we have Australia Day weekend, starting tomorrow. What has struck us (being our first Australia Day here) is how amazingly patriotic Australia is, in celebrating being Australian. There seems to be massive community events all over the coast. It is such a different feel to Waitangi Day celebrations (or arguments over whether Helen Clark is going to Waitangi or not .....). Anyway we are looking forward to a family day, followed by a family and friends get together at the beach for food, drinks and fireworks.