Sunday, 7 October 2007

Little Treasures from Caitlin and Ryan

I'm 4 and 4 kilos's (meaning 4 and 3 quarters)

Rain, rain go away, old man wants to snore all day. Caitlin altered the original in the car the other day, so now her latest is altering "come again another day" to as many different lines as possible.

Straw Berries Farm (ok maybe not so funny but the way Ryan's says it is just gorgeous and yes it is said as three words not two)

Ahhh the great Bathurst rivalry of Ford and Holden. Caitlin yells "Go Holden" followed by a louder Ryan "Go Ford" We're with Caitlin on this one but I guess Ryan wins on the final outcome - this year.

After Grandma yawns - "What's all that jewellery in your mouth Grandma"

Caitlin and I were talking about crockery. C "I've got a glass dish" M "It's called china" C "It's painted glass" M "similar but it's China" and finally it was left at C "Chinese Glass", I just smiled and left it at that!

There's lots more but my mind has drawn a blank so I will edit at a later stage.


Ticehursts said...

I can just hear you laughing as I read these things! So cute!

Smiths in Manila said...

Nice to see some cool stuff from you.
As for the little 'kiddie treasures', you gotta write them down, coz they get forgotten so quickly!