Saturday, 26 July 2008

Slackers !

How slack are we ? It's been nearly 4 months since we posted and I don't know where to start.

We've been busy but not with anything specific - just living life ! The children keep growing (must stop feeding them - that'll stop them growing out of any more clothes) and we keep finding that they can do more than we think. I'm constantly challenged by their abilities being greater than my expectations of them.

Ryan has settled well into a new pre-school - he now goes to the same one that Caitlin went to and we are all happy with it. He can now ride his bike and just keeps on going... great stamina !

Caitlin loves school and is doing very well. Her reading is advancing in leaps and bounds and she's currently reading to us in the evening - her latest books are Charlie & Lola and The Cat in the Hat, both of which she reads with minimal help.

We have a great group of friends here - some we have met through school, some through the children's swimming class. We're off out for a meal with a big group of them (all leaving the kids behind) tonight so we're really looking forward to that.

A couple of recent photos to finish, all taken in mid-June on a beautiful winter's day - we shall be better at posting ! Promise...