Monday, 31 December 2007
Christmas Day 2007
Shane and Sandra arrived around 11, we had lots of fun, laughter and chatter, not to mention food, food and food, along with wine. champagne and whiskey. And of course lots of playing especially lego!
The kids were amazing with getting up so early they didn't go to bed until 7pm and were amazing. There were no sleeps had by any and very minimal tears or arguments, a perfect day.
For some reason the photos wouldn't upload so I will try again later.
Merry Christmas to all.
Christmas Eve
So Chrismas Eve the three kids piled under the tree Santa sacks in hand along with a Christmas mince pie and apple crumble for Santa along with an apple for the kangaroo, yes according to the preschool teachers Australia is a bit hot for the reindeer and so there are some special kangaroos that help Santa here - they eat apples!
Caitlin and Ryan went down really well but Jake couldn't sleep because he kept looking out the window for reindeer and a sleigh!
Christmas Preparations
End of an Era
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Ryan, Jaffa and the Marble Run
Ahhhh the joy of laughter, Ryan was in hysterics when Jaffa joined in playing with him, swiping the marbles. As soon as we drop Caitlin at preschool all he wants to do is come home and play with Jaffa, I guess it's nice for him to have her all to himself and not compete for attention / playtime. So a few pics of them together.
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Movember update
Monday, 19 November 2007
Our Newest Adition
Jaffa is similar colours to Tuppy which is kind of nice, with a little more black and white and a little less sable.
Anyway a few pictures of her ............
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Gary here, posting for the first time. This month has now officially been renamed Movember, a whole month dedicated to getting men to look after themselves and take a bit more care with their health.
The idea is to grow a mo for the whole month, use it as a talking point with your mates (or, in my case, customers as well) and raise awareness of some of the important health issues affecting men. For more information and the opportunity to take part go to .
The main health issues being publicised are prostate cancer and male depression. If you are a man over 50 talk to your doctor about getting your prostate checked - it could save your life.
For men of all ages depression is a major issue that affects something like 1 in 5 of us. If you think you may be experiencing depression PLEASE talk to someone about it - wife, girlfriend, mates, doctor,boyfriend - doesn't matter who, just talk. For some inspiration check out this link
I'm having a go a growin' a Mo - and I'll post a photo for you all to laugh at very soon...
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Ahhhhh The Whitsundays!
The week was a mixture of swimming, swimming and swimming, accompanied with a jumping pillow (huge bouncy castle - without the castle!), playgrounds, minigolf, food and wine. All of which was at the camping ground, ohh forgot to mention the waterslides there - the kids (especially Ryan) are now water slide junkies. The kids would stay in the water as long as possible - until their lips turned blue, and the thermometer registered "LO". Hmmmm bit of a concern.
We did on occassions leave the campsite, venturing over to daydream island for a half day and visiting Airlie Beach. Gary and I even managed to go for dinner and cocktails one evening, beautiful! What a treat!
Can't wait to our return trip with Gary's parents, early next year.
Grandad and Catilin at the Galoon!
Ryan and Gary on the boat to Daydream Island. The kids were go, go, go and you can really see the tiredness in poor Ryans eyes.
I did upload more photos but they didn't upload properly so will try it again.
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Little Treasures from Caitlin and Ryan
Rain, rain go away, old man wants to snore all day. Caitlin altered the original in the car the other day, so now her latest is altering "come again another day" to as many different lines as possible.
Straw Berries Farm (ok maybe not so funny but the way Ryan's says it is just gorgeous and yes it is said as three words not two)
Ahhh the great Bathurst rivalry of Ford and Holden. Caitlin yells "Go Holden" followed by a louder Ryan "Go Ford" We're with Caitlin on this one but I guess Ryan wins on the final outcome - this year.
After Grandma yawns - "What's all that jewellery in your mouth Grandma"
Caitlin and I were talking about crockery. C "I've got a glass dish" M "It's called china" C "It's painted glass" M "similar but it's China" and finally it was left at C "Chinese Glass", I just smiled and left it at that!
There's lots more but my mind has drawn a blank so I will edit at a later stage.
Monday, 24 September 2007
Latest Happenings
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Lunar Eclipse
Monday, 27 August 2007
Weather Contrasts
A little tid-bit of Ryan's thoughts on weather.
I went in to get him up a few weeks ago, he looked out the window with a confused look on his face and said "sun gone" with the question tone in his voice, now he's got used to not seeing the sun in the morning he just says "sun gone bed" but it was qute telling about how quickly he has got used to seeing the sun in the morning.
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Gold Coast Weekend
Friday, 3 August 2007
The latest happenings ......
Well winter seems to have finished here, very quick and yes we were cold for a bit. Today's forcast was for 28 deg, not sure that it quite got there but the jeans are definitely back in the cupboard along with jumpers.
We have a busy few months ahead of us, along with packing and moving we get to catch up with lots of wonderful and special friends. Starting with a weekend on the Gold Coast so we can catch up with Joanna, Nigel and Tessa for breakfast (they have a whirlwind visit of just over 24hrs in the country), followed by Ang and Paul the following week, and then a few weeks later with Adrienne and Murray for a long weekend. Looking forward to lots of talk over coffees and hot chocolates.
Friday, 13 July 2007
The Morning Walk
This part of the walk is behind the houses aross the road from our house and is often where we see the kangaroos.
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
A Week of Special Friends
The cold was a bit of a novelty for Caitlin and I, it was quite fun dressing up in all those layers, scalves and mittens / gloves, trampling on crunchy grass, having windows frozen shut and seeing the dogs water in the morning with 2cm of ice on top. How warm the Sunshine Coast feels today in comparison despite having a much colder than average winter!
The next very special friend we caught up with was Nikki. I have known Nikki even longer with a total of probably ooooh 24 years! Nikki and I were best friends in the Taupo years and lived across the road from each other. Since leaving Taupo in 1986 we have caught up 5 times, 4 of those being in the last 10 years. Nikki, Caitlin and I spent our afternoon hanging out in a cafe, visiting Nikki's parents and husband, and finally chatting over pizza and a glass of wine after Caitlin had gone to bed, what a lovely time - thank you Nikki!
I share with both Amanda and Nikki a friendship that we can pick up where we left off and the times between catching up just doesn't matter, you guys are both awesome friends.
The third extra special friend we have only known for 2 years but another special bond. This is a little friend of Caitlin's called Grace. Grace and Caitlin went to kindy together in Auckland and right from Grace's first day a wonderful friendship developed. An added bonus of our Christchurch trip was that it was Gracies 4th birthday - how perfect and completely unplanned. Like it is with my friends and me, so it was with Caitlin and Grace and they picked up from where they left off last September. While I got to catch up with Grace's parents, Grandmother and meet her little brother.
Ahhh the beauty of friendships is a wonderful thing! And to end a few pics from our flight out of Christchurch.